frequently asked questions about the aliplus concept
France Aliplus answers
since when does aliplus exist?
Aliplus was created in 2014 by a breeder Samuel Michaud, to produce with more quality by using microorganisms from ruminants thanks to a living diet favorable to the microbiota of the rumen, to the soils to the plants.
Aliplus living nutrition
Is it profitable and is it green?
Yes, Aliplus provides high-end food in autonomy and at the same time avoids imports of expensive and very polluting meal. It also avoids labor, transport and mechanization. And that is profitable for the breeder and respectful of the land.
Good for the breeder and the planet
Is it for all ruminants?
Yes, Aliplus is intended for all ruminants for all productions. The results are excellent in sheep, in particular both for sucklers and reproduction as well as for carcasses, their quality and homogeneity.
Great results on sheep
What risks in transition?
Aliplusées cereals are a very high-end feed, super suitable for the metabolism of ruminants. The transition usually goes very well, you can see it quickly in the tank, then the rates go up, the cells go down, the state of form is very good.
Diary: simple transition
drop in urea levels?
In the dairy Aliplus system, we see a lot of rapid effects: increase & balance of rates (TB, TP) drop in cells, increase in production, and decrease in urea rate in milk, this is normal thanks to the ‘antioxidant effect of Aliplus nutrition
Balanced levels in milk
What is your pilot breeding aliplus?
We are breeders, breeder fatteners. The operation is profitable, and it serves us a lot to test and develop our ideas in nutrition and prevention by plants to offer only reliable and profitable products for breeding.
Visit our pilot farm
What is this Ombipur product?
Ombipur is the last of our natural prevention products, developed by France Aliplus and tested in the pilot farm and 20 partner farms. Ombipur powder is applied at birth to the umbilicus of the calf to close access to pathogens.
For the umbilic of calves
Is Aliplus equivalent to other products?
The Aliplus formula (14 components & 10 technical objectives) is unique, no one does the equivalent. Even if some people suggest it, you’ll never get our results at all with these low cost products. Find out more, come to our breeders meetings
Alilpus, unique in the world
What is your living nutrition?
The Aliplus formula promotes a chain of life for microorganisms, in cereals, then their in the rumen, then in the soil by the quality of the litter degraded into very rich and living humus and finally of the plants, then, the cycle start again.
The life of microorganisms
What is this aliplus community?
It’s just breeders who have adopted Aliplus and who continue to exchange and share their results together – usually because they are very good, or to see how to improve them – It’s good to exchange between breeders who talk the same language.
A community of breeders
What about short circuit distribution?
Aliplus nutrition knows how to give us top-of-the-range meat of great quality, noticed by butchers, chefs and consumers. Many breeders make direct sales more easily, and we wanted to go even further
Direct selling
What does Aliplus bring to my breeding?
Impossible to shortly answer. For example: with Aliplus we do not use any chemical fertilizers, any industrial feed, or antibiotics. The quality of the meat is so good that we sell it directly in our farm shop restaurant.
To produce quality
Why would a kennel try aliplus?
Many farms try the Aliplus to have a cheaper ration and to be autonomous in protein, and most continue also for the quality and for the simplicity of production in milk and fattening in cattle as in sheep.
A cheaper ration
What contribution on sheep?
Yes, in sheep, in the Aliplus system, lactating ewes keep the condition, after two months they are in condition, they are put back to breeding more quickly. For meat, the carcasses are low in fat, and in addition they gain in homogeneity.
It's a winner on sheep
Why are animals calmer?
The aliplused cereal has a high pH, the fiber, the pre-biotics, enrich the microbiota and promote rumination and salivation with an additional buffering effect. The acidosis disappears by 99%, the animal is in good shape and without suffering, it is calm and peaceful
Suppression of acidosis
How was Aliplus created?
We are asked if we are researchers, chemists, biologists? No, we are above all observant breeders, we love animals and we have chosen common sense to offer a formula that is good for the animals and the breeder.
Aliplus, from common sense
are your formulas chemical?
Life is bio-chemistry … And the first chemistry comes from plants, fermented plants, plant extracts, present in all our products: Aliplus (nutrition concept) Alimaya (specific Aliplus mineral mix) and Aliplantes (prevention in breeding)
Aliplus of natural products
The vet told me about health effects of aliplus?
Yes, often veterinarians, who love their job, contact us because they see health effects and want to know more, they already come much less often to these farms in Aliplus and health costs drop considerably.
Nutrition and health
Which cereals to put with Aliplus?
The Aliplus formula promotes a chain of life for microorganisms, in cereals, then their in the rumen, then in the soil by the quality of the litter degraded into very rich and living humus and finally of the plants, then, the cycle start again.
Aliplusable cereals
aliplus is it really French?
Oh yes, Aliplus was invented in France and it is made in Allier by the breeder who invented the concept. The packaging is also made in France. Add to that your local cereals your animals will really be a completely local production.
Invented & made in France
You say that Aliplus is in short circuit?
Yes, and even in a very short production circuit, because we manufacture our Aliplus in France and with our system, the breeder uses cereals from his farm, or local and as we avoid 98 or 100% of the products. import the loop is closed …
A real short circuit
aliplus would allow more lactations?
That’s a real pride. Thanks to appropriate nutrition, no acidosis, therefore less chronic pathologies, animal welfare, therefore better health, and longevity. Extending careers means more profitability and sustainable breeding.
Career extension
Follow Aliplus on socials
France Aliplus and its Pilot farm
la forêt 03130 Neuilly en donjon
France Aliplus reception, sales & pilot farm (by appointment only)
La Forêt, 03130 Neuilly en Donjon