• Add value to your cereals
• Suppress nitrogen correctors
• Find new profit margins

French solution for cattle nutrition. With aliplus system, you produce on your farm a very high-end and secure food with simple cereals. Ecological, Aliplus makes it possible to produce more in quality & quantity while respecting the well-being of animals & preserving their health

For all ruminants & all productions:

Quality and profitability of breedings

Aliplus Nutrition, cattle and ruminant nutrition invented by a breeder

Aliplus is a NATURAL AND PROFITABLE NUTRITION CONCEPT for cattle developed by a breeder and by biologists and nutritionists Created in 2013 the UNIQUE FORMULA OF ALIPLUS WITH 14 COMPONENTS is intended to optimize the entire ration and the microbiota of ruminants, while eliminating acidosis. Tested for 2 years on the France Aliplus pilot farm, the Aliplus has since been used by thousands of all ruminant farms for all production (nutrition of fattening cattle, nutrition of dairy cows). MADE IN FRANCE, the concept ALIPLUS ALLOWS: to PROMOTE LOCAL CEREALS almost SUPPRESS ACIDOSIS AND NITROGENIC CORRECTORS, INCREASE THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF PRODUCTIONS REDUCING FOOD COSTS. Bio-inspired by ruminants, and MORE ECOLOGICAL, ALIPLUS formula RESPECTS ANIMAL HEALTH AND WELLFARE. It operates remarkable cascading effects over the entire biological chain => animals, => soils, => plants, animals.

Aliplus concept presentation

by Samuel Michaud breeder | Aliplus concept creator

Use simple cereals without acidosis

Aliplus transforms SIMPLE loclas CEREALS in HIGH ENDED and SECURED ALIMENT and allows to CONCENTRATE THE RATION WITHOUT ACIDOSIS while eliminating expensive and anti-ecological imported correctors.

Increase quality while lowering costs

Aliplus has a twofold production objective: 1/INCREASE THE QUANTITY and THE QUALITY of livestock products for all ruminants 2/REDUCE FEED COSTS (wich represents up to 80% of expenses).

Improve animal welfare & health

Aliplus nutrition is inspired by ruminant biology (bio-inspired nutrition), it is SPECIFICALLY ADAPTED to the WELL-BEING and HEALTH of animals. Aliplus is a OPTIMIZER OF RUMEN and of METABOLISM of ruminants.

Aliplus: quality & profitability

• Produce feed on the farm in a short circuit
• Get a very high-end food
• Eliminate imported foods

Aliplus: quality & profitability

• Add value to cereals in a short circuit
• Suppress nitrogen correctors
• Lower your feed costs

Aliplus: quality & profitability

• Suppression of acidosis
• Calm and animal welfare
• Production increase and rate increase

Aliplus: quality & profitability

• Increase in ADGs
• Increase in carcass weights
• Increased carcass & meat yield

French concept, natural & ecological, Aliplus, matches 3 expectations of farms:

1/ have a healthy food, of very high quality based on simple local cereals ;
2/ produce more and better while respecting animal health and well-being ;
3/ lower costs and regain profit margins for the breeder.

Aliplus operating principles:

The nutritions of the trade and of import are expensive, not ecological and do not preserve the animal. WITH ALIPLUS you add value to your own (or local) simple cereals and YOU PRODUCE ON THE FARM, a feed equivalent to a VERY HIGH-END FOOD FOR A MUCH LOWER PRICE. This principle makes it possible, among other things, to APPROACH PROTEIN AUTONOMY and to move away from cereal-food exchanges, always done to the detriment of farmers. The 14 components of the unique Aliplus formula work in synergy on these main criteria : – REDUCE COSTS of NUTRTION and move towards protein autonomy ; – for an INCREASE IN PRODUCTION in quality and in quantity, while RESPECTING ANIMAL by working on the health and metabolism of the ruminant ; – DECREASE IN ALL PURCHASING EXPENSES health expenses, workloads and increase in farm products for TO RECOVER PROFITABILITY, even in times of livestock crisis.

• Unique formula without equivalent
• Exceptional technical results
• Quality and quantity of production

With Aliplus, the ration and the metabolism are optimized and the result is noticed very quickly by the breeders. The animals are remarked by the professionals; and in milk, we see an increase in quality and a decrease in losses. Aliplus makes it possible to produce more and better for less, in milk or meat production. It’s more ecological, it’s more economical

A unique formula, 14 components for 10 technical objectives

Aliplus is a revolutionary concept of ruminant nutrition, developed by a BREEDER PASSIONATE ABOUT RUMINANTS looking for NATURAL, PROFITABLE, AND GOOD SENSE SOLUTIONS FOR HIS BREEDING The unique 14-component formula of ALIPLUS ALLOWS TO OPTIMIZE THE WHOLE RATION and theRUMINANT MICROBIOTE.. Tested for 2 years on the France Aliplus pilot farm (Allier 03) the NUTRITION ALIPLUS is CONSUMED EVERY DAY BY 400,000 RUMINANTS for all types of production. . Made in France ALIPLUS NUTRITION brings QUALITY, HEALTH, PROFITABILITY EFFECTS visible in the short term, and REMARKABLE CASCADE EFFECTS on the entire BIOLMOGICAL CHAIN => ANIMALS, => SOILS, => PLANTS, => ANIMALS.

A unique formula, without equivalent

by Samuel Michaud breeder | & France Aliplus leader

10 technical objectives of Aliplus

The Aliplus nutrition solution has defined OBJECTIVES CORRESPONDED TO THE NEEDS of ANIMALS, PRODUCTIONS, and the ECONOMY of RUMINANT BREEDS. . The key idea is to increase the quality of the products by making a very high-end food on the farm which uses, simple local cereals and makes it possible to eliminate acidosis and to suppress imported proteins. The unique formula of Aliplus produces synergistic effects in the cereals and the entire ration, in the rumen and on the entire metabolism and health of the animals. The feed and veterinary costs are lower, the production is more important and more qualitative. La The UNIQUE FORMULA – SECRET AND PROTECTED – IS DISTRIBUTED BETWEEN BREEDERS WORD OF MOUTH,without commercials or advertising GIVES BACK MARGIN to BREEDERS. ÉLEVAGES.

  1. food-rumen-intestinal-litter probiotic work
  2. facilitation of rumination
  3. tranquility facilitation
  4. no waste of volatile-food-metabolic nitrogen
  5. reduction of methanogenesis
  6. work on health and quality of meat or milk products
  7. work on animal metabolism and immunity
  8. increase in MAT (attention to quality MAT)
  9. conservation of cereals by increasing the pH
  10. technical part not explained confidential

Benefits observed in milk production

Advantages en diary cattle

by Samuel Michaud breeder | & France Aliplus leader

Nutrition based on ALIPLUSED CEREALS is a VERY TOP-OF-THE-RANGE FOOD with multiple virtues. For the dairy, the RESULTS ARE VISIBLE IN THE TANK QUICKLY as well as on the condition of the animals. We find most generally:

• An increase in milk production
An increase in the rates (TB/TP)
The balance of the rates (TB/TP)
The suppression of acidosis
Decrease in mastitis
Decrease in cells

Benefits observed / meat production

Advantages in fattening

by Samuel Michaud breeder | & France Aliplus leader

ALIPLUSED CEREALS, VERY HIGH-END FEED, works with all types of rations (wet, dry). RESULTS ARE QUICKLY VISIBLE on animal condition, calm, rumination, and production. We find most often:

• Longer rumination time
• Very calm animals
• An increase in ADG
• Decrease in fattening time
• The increase in carcass weight
• A gain in classification +1/3 class EUROP

Other direct and indirect effects of Aliplus on farms

The nutrition concept Aliplus is natural. Bio-inspired by ruminants, it brings great benefits to animal welfare and the quality of production. More, the Aliplus living nutrition initiates a virtuous cycle (=> animals, => soils, => plants, animals) with remarkable effects on the overall ecological impact of livestock farming

Amélioration d'état constaté en élevages

Principaux critères visibles

Avantages corollaires remarquables

Meilleure rumination

+ d’Efficacité alimentaire (les animaux mangent moins,
et profitent de leur énergie pour produire plus)
Santé et aspect général meilleurs. Baisse/Suppression

d’additifs (les cures courantes sont le plus souvent
supprimées (hépato, bicarbonate, etc))
Litières + sèches + durables (baisse de travail,

baisse des quantités de paille, baisse d’ammoniaque /
baisse de troubles pulmonaires)
Moindre frais de véto/pareur/etc (moyennes de frais

de véto/UGB jusqu’à 4X moins importantes)...
Un excellent équilibre nutritionnel (Équilibre tous

les apports permettant à l’animal de produire
les acides aminés permettant la production naturelle
de lait et de viande de qualité)...

Meilleure salivation

Digestion améliorée

Meilleur transit (bouses mieux tenues)

Baisse des cellules

Baisse du stress

Immunité renforcée

Meilleurs aplombs

Meilleure repro

Baisse de morbidité

• Respect for animals
• Respect for the work of breeders
• Ecological respect for the planet

The Aliplus nutrition concept brings cascading benefits that can be seen on the welfare of animals, on litter, on animal health and the quality of production, on the life of the soil, and on the morale of the breeder who removes many costs and worries and which regains profit margins with less work. Finally, by eliminating imported foods and by bringing short circuit nutrition, we improve the ecological footprint of livestock.

Aliplus an ecology to the well-being of the breeder

With Aliplus nutrition, THE BREEDER REDUCES PURCHASING COSTS (coûts (feed costs and elimination of soya cake meal). Breeding SAVES HEALTH COSTS, and sees a decrease in mortality and morbidity – “THE VÉTO GOES A LOT LESS OFTEN” says Aliplus breeders. The breeder make SAVINGS OF STRAW and savingsOF WORK STRAW AND MILLING. RATIONS are SIMPLER and SECURED (no more acidosis), the BREEDER’S WORK is SIMPLIFIED, he saves wasted components, and he has less concern for the health of his animals. Animals in bio-inspired nutrition produce more in quantity and quality, and theBREEDER OFTEN VALUES ITS QUALITY PRODUCTIONS BETTER (many breeders go through direct sales, and others in cooperatives see the products purchased at a better price). The valorization of local cereals ELIMINATES MANY VERY POLLUTING IMPORTATIONS it is good for the planet and the profitability of the breeding. Finally Aliplus brings REMARKABLE EFFECTS ON THE VIRTUOUS biological CHAIN => animals, => soils, => plants, => animals. It is excellent for the environment. Aliplus nutrition, it is GOOD SENSE, it is “SENSICULTURE”, All of this brings real well-being to breeders and this is very important for France Aliplus.

Sensiculture, is a virtuous cycle of animals, soils, plants

by Samuel Michaud breeder | & France Aliplus leader

Respect animal welfare and health


Better respect the natural environment

The quality of what an organism consumes determines the quality of its waste, which is food for the soil and plants, which are then consumed by the animals that we consume. With ALIPLUS and SENSICULTURE IT IS a VIRTUOUS CHAIN THAT IS ENRICHED more with each cycle

Respect for the work of breeders

ALIPLUS – BREEDERS ‘SOLUTION FOR BREEDERS gives back meaning TO THE BREEDER PROFESSION and allows the integration of more ecological processes More qualitative productions are generally more valuable, the work is easier, and MARGINS INCREASES

Aliplus, global respect

• Better animal condition
• Careers extension
• Respect for health

Aliplus, global respect

• Healthier animals
• Rejects favorable to soils & plants
• Animal, soil and plant cycle optimized

Aliplus, global respect

• Better valuation of productions
• Reduced labor & safety for the breeder
• Increase in profit margins

Sensiculture & Aliplus, products that make sense

LIVE NUTRITION IN A SHORT CIRCUIT Aliplus, the work on VIRTUOUS ANIMAL / SOIL / PLANT CYCLES,, lead to MORE EUROPEAN VERY HEALTHY PRODUCTION, qui possèdent de GREAT TASTE QUALITIES (direct products – meats and milk – and indirect products – vegetables, herbs, etc. from sensiculture). SENSICULTURE puts PRODUCERS AT THE CENTER OF THE GAME. All this corresponds to EXPECTATIONS of many CONSUMERS looking for healthy, good, respectful, more responsible, meaningful and tracable products. For these reasons, the Aliplus concept is particularly SUITABLE for farmers doing DIRECT SALES and in specific circuits. Since 2019, France Aliplus has been developing its concept of NEO-PAYSANS RESTAURANT “Du Côté de Chez Sam” and its FARM BOUTIQUES “Ma France Nature”.

The Aliplus concept in a few pictures

Testimonials from breeders, merchants, consumers

Denis dairy farmer

“With Aliplus, we saved 53 tonnes of meal (before we needed 93 tonnes…) do the math!”

Thibaud, dairy farmer

“On the farm all the animals have it (from the Aliplus), both the dairy producing and the small heifers, it’s a concept that makes our life easier and that works! We are convinced and we would like to go faster! ”

Pierre Breastfeeding Breeder

“We provide quality meat to our butcher shops and breweries in Paris, we have excellent feedback on the quality of the meat, with demanding consumers, we have no room for mistakes, customers give us a great confidence. We are not about to change! we also use the Aliplantes starter and we don’t know what it is to look after a calf! ”

Lilian dairy farmer

“For our Prim’Holstein cows, we have a single ration with 4kg of aliplus cereal, no production VL, they produce 34 L on average with extraordinary rates. We see it on animal health and also on milk pay! It is an extraordinary experience, one to repeat without hesitation, it is both surprising and encouraging! “

Bruno, dairy farmer

“You hear about Aliplus saying, ‘Is that amazing?’ but everyone would do it if it were true! So I looked up and tried it on my farm, and indeed it is amazing! It is a different system than the one we know, we tackle dogmas. This is the end of a cycle in the agricultural world, we have to find solutions and Aliplus is one of them! “

Hélène, dairy farmer

“I can confirm that everything is working, user since the beginning of Aliplus. I regain autonomy, it’s simple and secure, especially for high-level light vehicles “

Antoine dairy farmer

“We have been using Aliplus on the farm for 6 years, with amazing results on both fertility and legs”

Rémy, lactating breeder

“Aliplus is above all an economic reflection, we recover a financial balance on our farm. We took advantage of this change to find other outlets to promote our Limousin meat, today we sell our meat in local convenience stores where we have direct feedback from customers “

Alexandre dairy farmer (Belgium)

“The vet came over to visit us the other day, and he asked me what I was doing with my animals because he didn’t have a job with us anymore!”

Thiphaine, breeder

“The first time we saw aliplus on the farms, we took samples of the grain because we couldn’t believe it! Today we are convinced. It is a safety for concentrating the rations. The animals are calm, they are brooding, they are in great health ”

Gérard, Charolais breeder-fattener

“I have been making Aliplus for more than 3 years, for meat, my animal dealer pays me 3 to 5 cents more per kg of carcass compared to the price set at the time of sale. He does that, including now because the quality of meat from animals raised at the Aliplus suits the merchant and his slaughterhouses ”

Anthony breeder

“Basically we were looking for an economical solution to prepare our breeding animals for the shows, it turns out that Aliplus has given us much more than that, autonomy, economy, simplicity, security. Today, we promote all our animals in supermarkets and direct sales, on both sides, butchers and consumers are surprised by this quality of marbled, tender, tasty meat, they ask for more! “

Ration: corn & grass silage, wheat / barley / corn Alipulsés and pasture.

Ration: corn & grass silage, wheat / barley / corn Alipulsés and pasture. “Production, health, the cows are doing very well, we spent the whole spring without cake with a production of over 30kg. This year we have fattened Simmental bull calves with a very simple ration: mixture of alipulsed cereals with mineral, at will in the trough and hay at will “

Serge breeder fattening cattle

“We spend more than 80% of our animals in direct sales and in butcher’s shop, we have very good meat yields, the meat holds up really well, we attach a lot of importance to the quality of the meat”

Hervé, lactating Charolais & fattening

“With Aliplus, the slaughterhouses see that we bring carcasses in line with the market. We have carcasses which put muscle in the back and which do not put on fat, they are as good or even better than those made from processed food, and the cost is much lower for the breeder “

Xavier breeder breeder fattener

“In Blonde d’Aquitaine, we work directly with a butcher, so meat quality is our main concern, and our butcher is delighted with the meat, more marbled, very beautiful color and above all an average net meat yield of 83%. ! ”

To get a projection of the Concept Aliplus on your farm, complete and send the form

Or call the breeders France Aliplus:

+33 (0)4 70 31 04 55

Contact France Aliplus by form


04 70 31 04 55




La Forêt, 03130 Neuilly en Donjon

Opening hours

From 8h AM to 7h PM and on rendez-vous

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France Aliplus and its Pilot farm

la forêt 03130 Neuilly en donjon

France Aliplus reception, sales & pilot farm (by appointment only)

france-aliplus.fr – 04 70 31 04 55

La Forêt, 03130 Neuilly en Donjon